Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Something's off

Something's rotten in the state of Denmark...

It's an odd feeling...but no creativity or motivation. It's not welcome, damn it.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Fucking sick.



I don't need this. At all.


Sunday, November 26, 2006


And a quick side note before heading to rest.

I *hate* missing people.

This is directed at everyone. *grumble*. However, one of the ones I miss the most, I owe a very big hug, soup, and cuddles to. So There.

...Oh, as well as a cuddles-pounce-tackle.

That's all.


Right so, my blog. Wolvish thoughts and the like will be the contents of this nonsense.

First thought--I dislike the fact that my pack is so scattered. Makes Ma wolf a might unhappy.

Oh well...I'll round up most of them tomorrow, I hope.